Great day today for my little boy Victor, aged 8 : we go together up to the top of the Aiguille du Midi, to ski down the Vallée Blanche, Chamonix's most famous glacier descent. The weather is perfect, except for the wind, which blows so hard that the lift goes very slowly. On top of the Aiguille, I choose to wait before walking down the ridge. A good chocolate makes Victor feel much more confortable about this new adventure. Actually the ridge is easy, Victor slides down as on a toboggan, secured by the rope I hold. he is a good skier, and the descent itself seems him very easy. A great adventure for father and son !
Victor (a bit tired !) in the refuge du Requin, with Gilbert the hutkeeper.

A fantastic spring day in one of the most classical ski descents from the top of Aiguille du Midi : the Envers du Plan. Nice slopes on a perfect snow. For my friends Luc, François, Paul and Alain, a real day off, far from Paris !
Eventually, snow is here ! In some places, people start feeling the spring air, but here in Chamonix valley it looks like January. These heavy snowfall create dangerous avalanche conditions. After such period, we all keep our eyes open !