Talking of a "guide company" about me is a bit of a joke. No formal company, but friends with whom I like to work when we have an opportunity, and a team of guides involved in the mountain workshops.
Amongst them : Frederic Bernard, Jim Blythe, Jean Marc Boucansaud, Fabien Ibarra, Claude Jaccoux, Rick Marchand, Isabelle Santoire, Victor Saunders, the teams of Aventure en tête and Jagged Globe.
I have also created a portal for a "virtual" international guides company, called "guides on line", with guides all over the world.
The APM (Association Progrès du Management) is a very important partner for me. The workshop "it's windy on top" is inspired by my work as an expert for the APM
The College de Polytechnique is the partner of the beginning of my work with companies. Run by friends coming from the same school as me, it remains a privileged partner.
I have a sustained partnership with Key People, a network of leaders, mainly in Paris area.
Meltis gave me the opportunities for some of my first conferences and we develop more workshops together.
I work as well for events, with partners like Plateforme, Glamour Speakers and Institut Emergences.
I work with Leica cameras