Ice climbing

Introduction course (5 days). The best duration to get introduced to the basic techniques, get some training and do some good climbs.
Weekends. Excellent for a first experience on ice. Then you will want to come for a longer course!

You have some experience in ice climbing, and you want to learn more, get better, and do some good climbs. You will pass the next step with us.
Advanced course (5 days). A nice warm-up to re-visit your skills, then you're ready for the next step. Steeper, longer, and maybe some leading. The ideal duration.
Weekends. Validation of your skills, a few pitches on ice, a first approach of ice climbing.

Weekends, weeks, special destination. Why don't you contact me?

When is the best season?
Iceclimbing on frozen wateralls is a winter activity. In the northern Alps, January is usually the best month, but the season starts in December in some places, and in cold areas you can still do some good climbs in late winter.
From a weekend to a full week
Chamonix is close to Geneva, and it is easy to come iceclimbing for a weekend. A long weekend, 3 or 4 days, is a perfect time period to warm up, improve your skills and confirm them on a longer or more difficult climbs. A 6-day course is perfect to get really into it, incorporate good practices and enjoy a major climb.
How many people with one guide?
Iceclimbing requires the same precautions as alpine climbing. A guide climbs with one or two people.
How much does it cost?
The fee is based on a daily rate of 400€/day for the guide, to be shared by the participants. This does not include rentals, accommodation and transports.
Where do we go?
The courses take place in the region of Chamonix, within a hour drive. It includes the Chamonix valley and the high Arve valley, Swiss Wallis, and the very famous Italian valleys of the Val d'Aoste : Cogne, Valsavarenche, val Gressoney, Valdigne.
We are based either in Chamonix or in Cogne. Other fantastic destinations are possible upon request, like Norway or Canada.
What do we need?
For ice climbing you need a complete set of alpine equipment with very high quality clothing because it can get quite cold! The technical equipement, such as crampons and ice axes, is specific. You can download a complete list of equipment, with suggestions of models.