Rock climbing

Introduction Weekends. Your first try. Good to learn the basics and climb your first multi-pitch route.
Introduction course (5 days). In 5 days, you learn the basics, you get enough training to incorporate some of the best practices, you may climb a longer route and try leading at your level.

Weekends. We check your know-how, and go for a long climb for a first approach.
Advanced course (5 days). We will get some more skills, confirm it through training, and have the opportunity to climb very different kinds of routes. We learn how put our own protections, and do some leading. At the end of the week, you will be a different climber.

Weekends. You have the background, let us just have fun. One day, 2 days, is it really the question ?
"A la carte". Let's talk and find the best program according to your expectations !

When is the best season?
In mountain areas like Chamonix, all seasons are good except the heart of winter. We have access to many areas, including val d'Aoste, which opens up the possibilities of dealing with the weather conditions. In some areas like Provence or Finale Ligure, rockcimbing is a 12months/year activity.
From a weekend to a full week
Chamonix is close to Geneva, and it is easy to come for a weekend. A long weekend, 3 or 4 days, is a perfect time period to warm up, improve your skills and confirm them on a longer or more difficult climbs. A 6-day course is perfect to get really into it, incorporate good practices and enjoy major climbs.
How many people with one guide?
When we learn or check the basics on a small crag, a guide can take care of 4 persons. On a multipitch, a guide climbs wiith 2 persons maximum. On a few days course, the ratio will be adapted to the program of each day.
How much does it cost?
The fee is based on a daily rate of 400€/day for the guide, to be shared by the participants. This does not include rentals, accommodation and transports.
Where do we go?
Chamonix area, of course, but also Provence (amongst the vineyards !), Finale Ligure and the Dolomites. Actually there are so many good places that we can also decide together. For the rockclimbing project, it is very easy to adapt our plans.
What do we need?
Climbing boots, harness, helmet, belay device, a cowtail and a few carabiners. You're ready to try ! For further experiences, of course, you may need a bit more, but basically, rock cimbing is for people who like to be light !