Mountaineering is an experience you have never forgotten, and you dream of enjoying mountains again. Go back to the mountains !

During seven years, Catherine Destivelle and I have run courses for kids aged 9 to 12. We were renting a house, and during 6 days, 8 to 12 kids were living with us ; we initiated them to alpinism, through a program that we improved week after week.
Basically, it was like this : on day one, the kids arrived with their parents and discovered the beautiful chalet. The parents left and we spent the afternoon bouldering, in order to discover the basic moves of climbing, and also some equipment : harness, boots, belay device, helmet. On day 2, we went to a 80 meters cliff, climbed pitches, made belays and rappels, and even some easy leading.
On day 3, we got prepared for the big adventure : a bivouac and a summit. What to put in the bag ? We walked up to the bivouac, a long walk for them actually. After a night under the tent, we climbed a beautiful summit at the end of a short airy rock ridge. Usually there were ibexes...
On days 5 we went to the Mer de Glace, first day on the glacier, climbing ice.
The last day was the climax : a long rock climb, 16 pitches for 400 meters !
This was a great experience, and it helped us writing a book for chidren, "L'Apprenti Alpiniste".
After the birth of Victor, we deceided not to have group at home any more. We were enriched by very good souvenirs.
I like guiding kids, helping them to discover these mountains that made me dream so much when a was a kid myself. I do not take the kids at home, but the courses are more or less on the same model as the ones we were running before : 6 days, a complete initiation.
When is the season?
These weeks take place in summer.
How many kids ?
A group of 4 kids works well.
Which age ?
There are age ranges that work well together : 9 to 12, 11 to 13, 13 to 15, and aroud 16 (are they still kids ?)
How much does it cost?
The fee is based on a daily rate of 350€/day for the guide, to be shared by the participants. This does not include rentals, accommodation and transports. One guide for 4 or for 2 kids, according to the activity.
Where do they go?
The courses take place in Chamonix, mostly in the Aiguilles Rouges for the youngest, because of the altitude. We take advantage of he lifts.
What do they need?
They need hilking equipment. The technical equipment can be rent in Chamonix.
Where do the kids stay ?
I do not take care of the accomodation : the kids stay by their parents or relatives, and spend the days with us. Other lodging options can be found, under the parents responsability.

This is really an idea that was inspired by some of my close friends : they are experienced alpinists, but at the moment they feel a bit older, and they do not really dare to go for the same projects as before, at least by themselves. But they have a very good background, they keep in shape and above all, they are still dreaming of mountains. They had never asked for a guide before, and I was very surprised, and honored, because they asked me to be their guide.
After this first excellent experience, I realized that there might quite a few people in their situation, and that I should propose something : "back to the mountains" was born. If you are one of these guys, I invite you to contact me and see how to realize some of your dreams.

Apart from the general program of guiding that you can find in the following pages, every year there may be special propositions, either for a ski tour, or for a climbing trip , or even an expedition. I invite you to have a look at it... as soon as the next season's special will be ready !