Erik has written a few books covering some aspects of his mountaineering experience, and a scientific book.
Editions Didier Richard, 1986. Nouvelle édition revue.
The "guide des techniqes" is a technical book which explains the most important techniques for the alpinist and the rock climber. Based on Erik's experience at the Ecole Nationale de Ski et d'Alpinisme in Chamonix this pocket book is now a classic which you can always have in your pack !
Hachette Jeunesse, 1996.
Catherine Destivelle et Erik Decamp wrote this books for the kids. The chapters follow a technical progression, from the first moves on small boulders to an approach of mountaineering : the kids learn how to do. Each chaper is introduced by a story belonging to Catherine's personal experience as a beginner. In each chapter there is also an introduction to "alpine culture" : famous alpinists, history, knowledge of the environment,... The technical pages are illustrated by Gianni Bersezio, and the other ones are illustrated by many photos and documents. The last chapter is about "the most beautiful mountains in the world". Kids after 8 years old. In french. You can order it at :
Editions Arthaud, 1994.
Catherine Destivelle and Erik Decamp wrote this book immediately after their attempt on Annapurna. It is partly a relation of the expedition. The main part tells sensitively the story of Himalayism and the steps of the preparation of an expedition. Many photos. In french.You can order it at :
Editions Glénat, 1987.
A sociological study of the mountain guides in France. This book is a collaboration between Jean-Olivier Majastre, sociologist, Guy Martin-Ravel, guide and photographer, and Erik Decamp. Through number of interviews of a large panel of mountain guides, it is a very interesting analysis of this profession. Amazing portraits by Guy Martin-Ravel illustrate this book.
PUG, 1992.
An essay about the first alpine ascent ever recorded... in 1492!
Editions EC2/Seuil, 1988
In the late 80', neurocomputing was an emerging research. This book is a survey of the "state of the art" of the researches on modelling neural networks, and applying this knowledge to a new field in computing.
Escalade et alpinisme: guide des techniques

The "guide des techniqes" is a technical book which explains the most important techniques for the alpinist and the rock climber. Based on Erik's experience at the Ecole Nationale de Ski et d'Alpinisme in Chamonix this pocket book is now a classic which you can always have in your pack !
L'Apprenti Alpiniste

Catherine Destivelle et Erik Decamp wrote this books for the kids. The chapters follow a technical progression, from the first moves on small boulders to an approach of mountaineering : the kids learn how to do. Each chaper is introduced by a story belonging to Catherine's personal experience as a beginner. In each chapter there is also an introduction to "alpine culture" : famous alpinists, history, knowledge of the environment,... The technical pages are illustrated by Gianni Bersezio, and the other ones are illustrated by many photos and documents. The last chapter is about "the most beautiful mountains in the world". Kids after 8 years old. In french. You can order it at :
Annapurna. Duo pour un 8000

Catherine Destivelle and Erik Decamp wrote this book immediately after their attempt on Annapurna. It is partly a relation of the expedition. The main part tells sensitively the story of Himalayism and the steps of the preparation of an expedition. Many photos. In french.You can order it at :
Guides de Haute Montagne

A sociological study of the mountain guides in France. This book is a collaboration between Jean-Olivier Majastre, sociologist, Guy Martin-Ravel, guide and photographer, and Erik Decamp. Through number of interviews of a large panel of mountain guides, it is a very interesting analysis of this profession. Amazing portraits by Guy Martin-Ravel illustrate this book.
Le Mont Aiguille et son double

An essay about the first alpine ascent ever recorded... in 1492!
Neurocalcul et réseaux d'automates.
(with B. Amy).

In the late 80', neurocomputing was an emerging research. This book is a survey of the "state of the art" of the researches on modelling neural networks, and applying this knowledge to a new field in computing.