What do you expect ?
Team building. Motivation. Thinking. Developing common visions. Encouraging attention to human factors. Working on risk assessment.
The main topics are those presented in the introduction of the "workshops" section. They are related to the situation of a group of persons commited in a task, a project or a long term action that presents risks and involves high stakes.

Where does it take place ?
The location is the choice of the company itself. It is not necessarily in the mountains !
How long does it last ?
There are several formats, according to the intentions of the meeting, and how far the company wishes to go into the process explicitated in the "method" page.
Sharing the experience : typically, a conference (typical duration : 1h), and questions or dinner-debate
The whole process typical format is at least 1/2 day, more often 1 day.
Size of the group
Conferences : no upper or lower limit (I've been up to 1000 persons !)
Whole process : interaction is optimal with 8 to 25 persons. It is possible with bigger groups, with specific techniques.
French and english
The costs are typically those of a consultant, plus travel expenses. each project is subject to a specific negociation.